Pediatric patients (<18 years of age) shall be transported in accordance with the following criteria:

1.  Pediatric patients (including psychiatric patients) shall be transported, based on the preference of the parent or legal guardian, to one of the following facilities:
A.  St. Rose Dominican – Siena Campus
B.  Summerlin Hospital Medical Center
C.  Sunrise Hospital & Medical Center
D.  University Medical Center

2.  If the parent or legal guardian does not have a preference, the patient shall be transported to the closest of the above facilities.

3.  If, in the judgment of prehospital personnel, the transport time to one of the above facilities would be detrimental to a critically ill/unstable pediatric patient, the patient should be transported to the closest Emergency Department.

4.  The patient may be transported to a non-designated facility:
A.  At the request of the parent or legal guardian, and if the child is deemed stable by the EMS provider; or
B.  The incident is greater than 50 miles from the closest pediatric facility; and
C.  The receiving facility and physician are contacted and agree to accept the patient.

5. Pediatric sexual assault victims shall be transported as follows:
A.  Victims <13 years of age shall be transported to Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center.
B.  Victims 13 years of age and up to 18 years of age shall be transported to either Sunrise Hospital & Medical Center or University Medical Center.
C.  For sexual assault victims outside a 50-mile radius from the above facilities, the licensee providing emergency medical care shall transport the patient to the nearest appropriate facility.